D&D Tier Transitions

I have been running 4th Edition D&D games since release, as many others have. My first campaign ended after about 1 year, during which the players advanced from levels 1 to 12. As they approached the heroic tier, I decided I would do something a little different. Rather than simply having them choose a paragon… Continue reading D&D Tier Transitions

Mapping the “Nevernever”

Last night, we got together for another Dresden Files jam session. We had someone new to the game over (newer than us!) and explained it to them (as best we could) as well as read up on various items, and discussed ideas. We also talked more about the city we decided to use for the… Continue reading Mapping the “Nevernever”

Categorized as RPG


Mel’s been all over the news (in a bad way). On tape, yelling and threatening his girlfriend they sound almost too crazy to be true. Anyway, here is my take on a Gibson monster. Click the image to see the full size… don’t worry, he won’t bite.

Categorized as Mashups, RPG

WoTC Press Conference Regarding Wand Issues

Seattleville, Kingdom of Washingtovia – The Wizards of the Coast made a surprising announcement at a press conference today. Despite insistent statements to the contrary, the guild known as WoTC now claims there is indeed evidence that holding their latest release of the Wand of Illusory Ambush (level 4) a certain way can lead to… Continue reading WoTC Press Conference Regarding Wand Issues

Inspiration: Intro

I am a very visual person by nature, so of course I get a lot of inspiration from things I see. Often times this comes in the form of art I come across online, which makes sense as I essentially LIVE online (don’t we all?). With that said, I have a new section on the… Continue reading Inspiration: Intro