Mike (“Gabe”) is a creative guy, but…

Last year, Mike Krahulik (“Gabe”) began posting his D&D creations – things such as the “Free Fall Combat” and the “Light and Mirror Puzzle“. These were(are) really awesome ideas – I even borrowed a few of them myself. I’ve linked to them and talked about them like everyone else.

Recently, I even asked my boss go through all of the PATV videos.

I am, without a doubt, a big Penny Arcade fan. I am a big Mike and Jerry fan, as much as you can be of people you have not/will not probably meet in person.

With that said, I want to say, and I’m sure Mike would agree… DM’s out there – don’t let his creativity make you feel like less of a DM, or even a “bad” DM.

Ever since his encounters began feeding us inspiration, I have seen people say (in response to his ideas) things such as…

“To my players, sorry, I suck as a dm”


“Make’s me realize how much I suck”

This bugs me, maybe more than it should. It is entirely possible to recognize his creativity without simultaneously putting down your own skills. I agree, his encounters are great, but HIS creativity says absolutely nothing about YOUR skill level as a DM – stop putting yourselves down.

If you are paying attention to his encounters, even borrowing them and talking about them, you are already demonstrating your desire to be a better DM. Even more to my point, in my opinion a ‘good’ DM strives to be better – puts in a good effort and continues to improve. Part of that involves discovering what is fun and bringing it to your game, which essentially you are doing.

Just because you didn’t think of something first, or your encounter creating or DM skills aren’t being recognized by everyone, doesn’t mean your ideas are terrible or that you suck.

Again, I’m sure Mike would agree with me here.

Recognize your strengths. Identify, and work to improve what you feel are your weaknesses. If you do that, you are already a good DM in my book (not that my opinion should matter).

Now, get back to your game!


  1. If your group’s having fun every session and your players are coming back to your table week after week, then don’t worry, you ARE a good DM, no matter how you play.

  2. Great post, as I said on Twitter.

    People have to realize that Gabe isn’t just any guy. He is a creative professional who has a monumental amount of experience in storytelling. He SHOULD have games that blow you away.

    Just because Gabe’s stuff is awesome, doesn’t mean you suck. By all means, steal from the man. He wants you to steal from him. Don’t measure your worth based on what he does, because you’re not coming from similar creative backgrounds. Learn from people who are doing something cool, but don’t judge yourself.

    Bottom Line: Be the best DM that YOU can be, and don’t worry about filling anyone’s shoes.

  3. Heh, I was having just the feeling of inadequacy you described. Glad I’m not the only one. It has spurred me to think outside the box for future encounters though and I know my players will appreciate it.

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