A New Look

Or, TheWeem.com v3.0

As some of you know, I am a web designer/developer by day, and we tend to never be satisfied when it comes to our own website designs.

My first personal site (used to share desktop wallpapers I was making in 1999) would be updated as many as 3 times a month. I could never let it go more than a few weeks without completely changing it again. Granted, this was all new to me then, making/breaking/exploring websites, so much of it was simply learning, but things really haven’t changed when it comes to my desire to change things up.

So here we are, version #3 of theweem.com and it hasn’t even been a year yet – I hope you dig it.

I will be tweaking things over the next week, so keep that in mind. I may also be contacting a number of you regarding various ideas, so… beware…

Categorized as News


  1. I like the new look. I don’t remember what the old one was in order to compare it, since I’ve been following via rss, so I can’t tell you whether I thinks It’s an improvement or not. It’s pretty though!

  2. Nifty.

    The words `RPG FAN AND GRAPHICS GUY’ on the new logo look like buttons at first glance. Maybe you can make them work, somehow?

    1. Yea, I just needed to adjust the link down – I made the header taller at one point and while the other links were moved down, I forgot that one.

      Fixed now, thanks!

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