NaNoWriMo? I’m in…

This year I have decided to participate (we’ll see just how much I get done) in National Novel Writing Month via

I first heard about this a few years back, and while I liked the idea, I never participated… and I really didn’t write much. NaNo is all about writing SOMETHING though, and is way to get writing out when you might otherwise do… well, nothing. And that has been my problem for the last few years – I want to write, but I don’t. I used to write regularly enough – little bits here and there, but I have done nothing significant since 2004 or so.

Anyway, my entry (like many I am sure) will be un-edited (aside from spell check) and will simply be the rough draft of… whatever it is I write, which itself will be one steady stream of a story with almost no planning involved. I have a few ideas, but at this point none of them are locked in. I hope to have that figured out in the next week followed by a loose outline.

I’m hopeful I can get something going, even if I must set my own goal lower than the default 50k word goal.

Now… should I post here what I write as I get chunks done… I’m not so sure.

Categorized as News


  1. I’ve been playing witha novel Idea for a few years now, but while I have what I think is a good setting,a nd some interesting characters, I find myself with a Mystery, and not a single clue who did it.

    1. Hahah, the unsolvable mystery. I’m not sure my ideas are even “ok”, but I’m going to pump out as much as I can 😉

  2. This will be my third NaNo. I won both years that I have participated. I highly recommend getting involved with your local region. It sounds weird, hanging out with people in order to get stuff done, but it works. When you get stuck, sometimes the best way to move forward is, “Okay, let’s see who can get the most words in 15 minutes.”

    I’ve never posted my novel on my blog, but if it helps you find the motivation to keep going, do it. Personally, I just don’t want to be permanently associated with my unedited garbage.

  3. I participated in the NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago and it was a blast. I went in with the intention of writing speedily rather than my usual “let’s wordcraft these sentences until they art things of polished beauty!” — I love words and wordsmithing and it would result in beauty but also v e r y s l o w p r o g r e s s through whatever I was writing at the time. 😛 I got what I intended, had a lot of fun, the “struggle” was even fun (1700 words per day!), and it helped in the end my writing as well as my DMing. Can you imagine trying to wordcraft as you’re running a game?

    Enjoy! I look forward to hearing how it is for you.


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