From Duck Tales to D&D, Part 2

This is the second in a series I started not long ago – I’m hoping to pick them back up again here, but we’ll see!

Season 1, Espisode 2:
Treasure of the Golden Suns Part 2/5 – Wrongway in Ronguay

After foiling the Beagle Boys, Scrooge and his nephews decipher the strange marking on the map, which leads to a sunken treasure ship in Ronguay. However, Flintheart Glomgold (in his animated debut) and El Capitán are out to stop them at every turn. The story is loosely based on legends of Spanish Galleons being found in the SW American desert and Northern Mexico.

Sailing in the Desert
Sailing in the Desert

In this episode we meet Flintheart Glomgold! El Capitan contacts him for his support in helping him hunt the treasure. This adds another layer to the villainy, as I talked about in Part 1. Good stuff! Oh yea, so where was I…

Geography with a Twist

In the episode, their map of a series of “Islands” is making no sense to them in the desert. But, as the monsoons begin and flooding occurs, everything becomes clear… the map was made during a time when the area was flooded.

This could be translated a number of ways into your game. For example, the players could have a map to the ruins of a desert city but when they arrive, there is nothing but sand. Soon they discover that a yearly sandstorm exposes the city and they must simply wait. Maybe they learn this from a nearby tribe… or perhaps the sandstorm begins just as they are losing hope.

This idea is one that could involve a skill challenge as well. History could play a big part here, as well as Nature even – something to help them realize why it is that their map is not immediately accurate. Get your players thinking!

Scrooge McDuck: “Liars! …Thieves! …Politicians!”

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